Increase Your Self-Awareness, Confidence and Overall Happiness — Get a Sample of Dianetics

In this free digital selection, you'll learn:

Why do we give up on our dreams? [p.41]
How can you improve your mental health? [p.23]

What is the true source of anxiety? [p.4]

How do you reach your full potential? [p.34]

Why do we hurt the ones we love? [p.5]

How can you take control of your life? [p.47]

Digital selection available in PDF format

Dianetics is the original mental health phenomenon that inspired the entire self-help movement. It has been positively and permanently transforming millions of lives for over six decades. But it’s much more than a book, it’s an entire system that you can apply instantly.

Download this free sample and join more than 22,387,000 readers who have discovered the most widely read and influential system to help you enjoy life and reach your true potential.

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"You are beginning an adventure. Treat it as an adventure. And may you never be the same again.

— L. Ron Hubbard, From Dianetics

A New Science of the Mind

In 1950, L. Ron Hubbard wrote Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, a comprehensive work detailing his discoveries and techniques and the first and only definitive manual of the mind.

The term Dianetics is derived from the Greek words dia which means “through” and nous which means “mind or soul.” It’s a methodology to resolve the problems of the mind.

In 160 nations, people are using the breakthrough Dianetics technology to make dramatic, permanent improvements in their lives—leading to

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“I’ve always loved what I do and Dianetics allowed me to enjoy it even more. Knowing yourself, having trust in yourself and your decisions is everything. Dianetics made this possible for me.”

Erika Christensen

Film and TV Actress – Traffic, Parenthood


“Dianetics answered so many questions that I now feel a sense of peace and ‘centeredness’ that carries over into every area of my life. The sense of certainty I have now is nothing I ever experienced before Dianetics.”

Wil Seabrook

Singer/Songwriter and Entrepreneur


“With Dianetics, I found my personal strengths and confidence in my own ideas so that I could carve a path forward for myself. I cannot imagine how life would be without Dianetics.”

Anne Dunev, PhD

Naturopathic Practitioner and Clinical Nutritionist

The Most Widely Read and Influential Book Ever Written about the Human Mind

L. Ron Hubbard unlocked the mechanics of the mind and so discovered the reactive mind—the hidden force that holds us back with doubts and painful emotions.

Dianetics describes in full detail the only technique that exists to locate the hidden traps set by the reactive mind and rid yourself of its unwanted, negative influence over your life.

Today, science has validated what every Dianeticist knew in 1950:


“Trauma in childhood is a grave psychosocial, medicinal, and public policy problem that has serious consequences for its victims and for society."

National Institutes of Health

“The Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma”

1 April 2015


“Unconscious thoughts and feelings influence not only the way we perceive ourselves but also our everyday actions.”

Scientific American

“Our Unconscious Minds”

January 2014


“…new studies reveal a subconscious brain that is far more active, purposeful and independent than previously known.”

The New York Times

“Who’s Minding the Mind?”

31 July 2007

A Selection from Dianetics includes:


Introduction: How to Read this Book

Chapter 1: The Scope of Dianetics

Chapter 2: The Clear

Chapter 3: The Goal of Man

Glossary of Terms

© 2023 CSTORONTO, All Rights Reserved, Dianetics and L.Ron.Hubbard are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.